Twisted Transports Custom Drivers Hub

Say Hello To Our Custom Drivers Hub!

Here is a screenshot and some information of our Custom drivers hub

Access Our Drivers Hub

Job Logging

Our drivers hub logs your miles to the exact point you start to the exact point you end your job.

Accurate Replays

Once you have completed your job, you can precisely re-watch the route that was taken on a map. Showing where you was speeding, where you refueled and even when you took damage


Feeling competitive? Well you can see who is in that top spot in Miles and Income so you know exactly how far behind you are for that number one spot on our leaderboard

Overall Statistics

Want to know how many miles or how much the entire company has made since the release of the DriversHub? Well you can on the main page of the DriversHub

Job Contracts

Take part in our Job Contracts set by us and earn some bonus points for completing the Contracts

Convoy Attendance

Sign up and Take part in any Convoy Twisted Transport are attending direct from our Custom Hub Dashboard